Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Texas Toast

This morning I was witness to the fact that you're only as old as you feel. I saw a man in his 50's flirting shamelessly, blatantly, and unabashedly with a pair of women who were registering for the seminar. It was delightful, and refreshing to see that the young and young at heart can still work it like Donny Osmond at a 1976 roadshow.

For my Disney friends I met a man named Donald Dick. Talk about cruel. However it fits in with CP Pal Mickey, X-rated Pooh, and the unmentionable things which take place behind the scenes at the Magic Kingdom.


Tonight a rather masculine Russian lady came to the presentation. She kept saying things like "Do we get free dinner?" "We still get free meal no?" I felt sorry for the man she was with. A very clean-cut American boy who tried to have a sense of humor, but she wasn't letting it happen.

After shaking hands with people of all sorts for the last two days, I have contracted a cold. I don't like this - mostly because my throat is scratchy and it prevents me from sleeping soundly. I guess it's just part of life. On the upside, we're at a different hotel tonight and they have sleep number beds.

As a closing note to this day's activities - the roads in this part of Texas are rather unspectacular. Here's how they work - There's a freeway type road in the middle of a large shopping district, ya know shops, restaurants, the works. Alongside the freeway there's a frontage road - this is not especially unusual except that it's a one-way frontage road, and there's an accompanying one-way frontage road on the other side of the freeway going the other way. These roads are dotted with exits and entrances onto the freeway. Every now and again there's a bridge connecting the two sides of the freeway. How anyone gets around is beyond me. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the Costco because we took the wrong exit. We could see the Costco the whole time.

Anyone have tips for eating healthy on the road?
Oh, and I just heard that international trips require a two-week stay. Excitement times 4!


Anonymous said...

I love your life. And I love living vicariously through you as I'm still holed up in Cedar City.

Eating healthy on the road is tough (I've gone on the road with my brothers' band before)-- my main advice is stick to the four food groups so you get a balance and drink enough milk and water.

Good luck with the roads-- and wait until you see what sort of roads foreign countries have to offer. Bwahahahahaaaaa! :-)

Leah said...

Check out the children's menus - you'll get a reasonable serving size (instead of 36 oz of pasta with an entire jar of sauce, for example) and it can be paired with a house salad. Always ask for dressing on the side!