Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm back!!!

So, I was going to write a post centered around the "good things come in threes" theory. It was going to touch on my new job as an acting coach, my role in the latest show, and something else grand and life-changing. It would have been brilliant, clever, witty, in short everything you'd expect from me, and for a change it would all be good news, but I'm impatient and haven't heard back on the job yet, so...

I auditioned for Lend Me a Tenor at Hale Centre Theatre (yes, they really use that artsy spelling) on Saturday and was called back for a second audition. That took place yesterday and I totally rocked it. I was expecting tougher competition, but I really just had fun and kicked some serious awkward white-boy booty.

And the end result is - I GOT CAST AS MAX!!!!! (for those who aren't familiar with the show, Max is the lead) So, not only did I get cast, but I'm the main guy. I am fairly excited...oh who am I kidding, I'm stoked out of my mind! It's been over a year since I've in a show, so this is very very good news. It also means that I now have something to do. No more lonely nights, no more boredom, no more wondering what to do with myself. I love it!

Now I just need to get that job as an acting coach, and have something else spectacular happen - i.e. meet the woman of my dreams, find a briefcase full of money and have no one claim it, get discovered by a hollywood/broadway producer...good things come in threes after all.


Unknown said...

I just did another little happy dance. I'm so freaking excited for you I can barely contain it.

Tara said...

YAY!!!!!! (really, what more can be said?) YAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All hail Max! :-D

Leah said...

When!?! I'm coming. Front row. Cat calls.

Romulus said...

That's wonderful!