Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The end is just another beginning

So, it's the end of the year.  That means a lot of things, I suppose.  In the current context it means a change in my blog.  But only a small one.  I am no longer traveling the world - at least not on a consistent basis, so I've changed the name of my blog to reflect my current occupational status (but no worries, the URL/web address/website...whatever...will remain the same).  I think I like it.  If anyone has any suggestions for a better title/subtitle I'm open.  If not I'll keep it like it is.  And from here on out, I'll be Mr. B.

As of next Friday that may be more than a figurative statement.  My principal approached me last week and asked how soon I wanted to do the ARL program (alternate route to licensure).  She explained that they might have a need for a teacher at the beginning of the year - as in Jan. 4 - so I might end up with my own classroom at the end of next week.  I don't know what grade...or any details really...other than that I might be a full-fledged teacher.  So, we'll watch and wait.

Now, for the rest of this week I'm going to post several items of a reflective nature:  some of my favorite moments of the year, a review of my favorite ballroom lighting, a list of things that have made me happy etc.  I hope you enjoy my walks down memory lane.

Keep coming back for more adventures next year.  Also, I'm starting a new blog for the new year.  It can be found at starting New Year's Eve.  Check it out.


Unknown said...

Hooray for ARL! My mom says that the teachers are super-stoked to have you at the school. I'm sure they'll be elated if they get you permanently.

Nichole said...

I think you might consider calling it "Mr. B's Neighborhood" or "That's Mr. B to you" or "Mr. B is for Bootylicious" or whatever. But then again, I like the title as is. I hope you get your own classroom too! I want to come visit your class! Do you think they would allow that? Do you think it would screw the kids up too bad? Well, I hope you are feeling well and your vacation is going well.