Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Fever

One of my non-English speaking students has a really really hard time reading. She can sound out the letters, but then, for some reason, cannot put the sounds back together to form a word. i.e. she'll say s-a-t, tas. While working on high-frequency words and she was struggling with the word "after." In her frustration with reading after she'd said "a-f-ter", she put the word back together as "fart." I couldn't help laughing on the inside. And today I made the mistake of giving her the word "mad."

Then sun shone through the window of the neatly organized classroom. Students were happily working on their assignments and busily chattering about whatever happened to be on their minds. While enjoying a moment of respite from the frenzy of educational activity I turned my attention to the parking lot where the principal was walking to her car. Then she picked a wedgie.

Ms. J's Dad: (insert story about ancestor crossing the plains with the pioneers)
3rd grader: Oh, so he's like Mr. B.
Ms. J's Dad: Does Mr. B walk around a lot without shoes?
3rd grader: No.
Ms. J: Then how is he like Mr. B?
3rd grader: I dunno, he just is.

Topping the list of my favorite things kids do is how they tell stories. Today's example, which is fairly typical:

Kindergartener: then

A kid who apparently doesn't know me (which is preposterous!) wanted some help on the monkey bars. He heard the other kids yelling my name but I guess he didn't quite catch on be cause I heard him say, sort of reservedly, "Um...hey,...bumblebee." I like it.

Also, I evidently smell like jalapenos.

Here's some St. Patrick's Day fun:


Charisse Baxter said...

You are complete green-stripey creamy goodness. Also, hilarious. When do we get a slideshow of your trip?

"..screw the Vatican." Now THAT's something you don't really hear every day... !!!

Lindsey said...

Hey, I was just watching a show that was talking about substitute teachers and one guy said, "I prefer to think of myself as a wandering educator"

Naturally, I thought of you :)

Go get em, in that "blackboard jungle!"

Leah said...

I go on every field trip with Liv's kindergarten class for those very reasons. Kindergarteners are the best. "Do you think pandas like gummy worms? I mean the sour ones."