Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Nom de Plume

Two of my third graders were having a bragging session about their imprisoned relatives. I found it morbidly entertaining. One girl's uncle is getting out of jail fairly soon, the other girl's cousin is in jail because he got caught selling drugs at school. It made me a little sad to hear the pride in their voices as they exchanged stories.

At lunch recess one of my fellow aides came up to me and informed me that my presence was requested at the first grade playground. I wandered over to be greeted by a large group of first graders doing the Macarena. Evidently they'd been doing it all recess. They'd make the hand motions, grab their butts at the end and joyfully yell, "Ready! Uh uh UH!" while thrusting their hips about. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

Later I passed one of the first grade classes in the hall and one little girl said to me, "Mr. B, I saw you guys doing the macaroni and cheese outside - I can do it too!"

Several of the kindergarten girls somehow procured some lipstick and were proudly donning their crimson lips all throughout lunch. This scares me.

Kindergarteners also scare me when they try to push, pull, and prod me along to some undisclosed location. They're hands are always at just the right height to make things awkward.

3rd grader - Mr B., can I tell you what happened to my dog?
Me - sure
3G - Well, my brother let him out and he got picked up by animal control and they put him down, so now I don't have a pit-bull anymore. But we got a new pit-bull. His name's tank.

One of my third graders told me today that her sister is having a baby, and that she was going to encourage her to call him Mr. B.

We had a suicidal kindergartener at recess. I heard her say - rather melodramatically - "I'm going to kill myself!" I asked what was up and she said, "I'm going to go home and when I wake up I'm going to grab a knife and kill myself...I'm going to be with Jesus!" I had to laugh. I came to find out that it was her birthday, but her friends were being mean. After a brief chat and a giant bear hug, she was all giggles. I think she'll be ok.

In my brief stint at DG Elem I've accumulated quite a collection of names, and I find them all endearing:

Mr. B
Mr. Barnett
Mr. Bean
Mr. Beans
Mrs. B
Miss B
Mr. Bee
Mr. Sheep (you Spanish speakers see if you can't figure out how that one came about)
Mr. Bob

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