Thursday, June 26, 2008

The end of the beginning

This week brings about an end to certain things - summer school, the 2007/2008 school year, my life as a part-time worker.  It's all very exciting really.

It's also a beginning.  I began my life as an official teacher with a little training.  And so it begins.  I have more trainings, and I have some classes coming up, then more training, and school starts and it's all over but the singin'. 

I came up with a cool idea for measur
ements.  I'm gonna have my kids make paper airplanes, then we'll throw them and measure how far they go.  It'll be fun.

I'm worried about my kids.  I give them a worksheet to do every morning to start out the day.  Here's a question that most of my kids got wrong:
The question was, "At what temperature does water turn to ice?"  I just had to shake my head.  I went over the question with them.  I drew the diagram on the board, and read it out loud to them while indicating the temperatures, then asked the question and I got answers like, "Zero!", "One hundred!", "Winter!" *sigh*

Then I had a boy ask me, "What does 'before' mean?"

Nevertheless I'm excited to be a teacher.  I start some of my certification classes next week.  I have 8 hours of classes for two straight weeks.  I think I might be a bit overwhelmed when all is said and done, but it's gots to be did!


Lindsey said...

Now, now Greg...I think the small child has a great question. What exactly does "before" mean? He's really onto something...

Angie said...

greg, i have to say. i'm glad there's people like you around.