Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's good to be bad, and yet...

So, in this play I'm involved in I happen to be the bad guy.  And the play is set in the 80's so that means I'm creepy.  When we did the Utah reception line at the end of the play I had all of three people say anything to me.  Most people didn't even look at me.  September 20 is seeming farther and farther away.


kim and ned said...

Take it as a compliment. You played your role VERY well.

I'm Batman said...

On Saturday we'll crowd around in a boisterous way that the other actors will leave the line to see whats going on. You'll no longer be a brides maid in the line!

Leah said...

I was eating a large chunk of homemade granola when I clicked to view your pic. I now have a large chunk of homemade granola lodged in my right lung from laughing at what a terrific creepy guy you are. That ponytail! Brilliant!