Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Our first unit in Language Arts for the year is "Friendship." It's very cute. As a getting-to-know-you warm-up-for-the-unit activity, I made friendship packets for my kids that include things like drawing a picture of you and your friend, a word search, coloring pages etc. etc. etc. One page is for the kids to write a poem about friendship titled "Friendship is..." Here's mine:

Friendship is gooey, sugary, buttery goodness wrapped in chocolate and eaten from the pan.
Friendship is long walks and short walks and no walks at all.
Vision boards, and staring at the wall. Breaking beds and breaking hearts.
Friendship is laughing til you're curled in ball on the ground clutching your sides.
Friendship is love sacs, and love taps, and elementary-esque love notes.
Season tickets, seasonal desserts, and seasoned kissers.
Trips to foreign places, and places around the block.
It's crying from laughing, crying from heartache, crying from sleep deprivation.
It's being stranded in an airport with nothing but a jacket and copy of Harry Potter 7.
Friendship is retail therapy.
Friendship is pretty freaking awesome.


Tara said...

How much do I love your poem?

SOOoooooo much. Really.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a facebooke-esque "like" option for this.

Kasi French said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the breaking beds!!!!!!! Did we ever report that?!?!? They're coming to see the show in a few weeks, I'll let you do that in line, "Great, I'm glad you enjoyed the show! We broke that bed, have you noticed?"

The Hatch Family said...

That just envelopes the whole essence of friendship. Thanks for your wisdom. You rock.