Friday, July 9, 2010


There are people who I like enough that I want to have a pocket version of them to carry around with me. Then, when I'm having a downer moment I can pull them out of my little pocket and all will be sunshine and rainbows once again.

So, during class today I drew a pocket version of myself. I'm thinking of making copies and distributing them. Let me know if you want one. :)

Also, this kind of makes me want to take an art class.


Leah said...

Can I get one with a more trapezoidal nose?

Leah said...

Also, I was noticing the other day that you:

bear a strinking resemblance to him:

Lola + Ryan said...

I do believe I want one. You would be one of my pocket people. I thought of you the other night whilst viewing Toy Story 3.

Lindsey said...

oooh oooh ooh, pick me! I mean, pick me to pick you, or to take you...the little you...oh whatever, just gimme the damn picture ;)