Second, just under my "About Me" section I've added a Mulletin Board - kudos and many thanks to my new friend Toffer (Now I know 2, though they spell it differently, but still - Weird!) for the idea. Since I see at least one mullet weekly, I'm going to do my darndest to get photos of the mullets I run across and I'll post them there.
Now, on to the real purpose of this post. I haven't really been traveling anywhere with my time off...except the Gateway, Provo, and the yearly migration to the Manti Pageant, but I have been taking trips down memory lane, and they've been filling me with laughter, so I'm going to post some pictures from my past (aaahhh!!!). Some of my favorite memories from the last few years, hopefully you'll all get a laugh out of my facial hair moments, my atrociously bohemian hair-do, and the fact that I'm making the same face in all of these pictures.

The last photo is of me and my goodest of good friends Tiffani. This was during the Caucasian Chalk Fiasco. We were facetiously trying to be hot, and ended up being absurdly so.
So, thanks for indulging me. I've got lots more pictures - me with a bright red satanic skull, me wearing the bottom half of a chicken-wire snowman, that one time I was Willy Wonka at the Elementary school, and of course the Butt dance (see the 'my video' link on my sidebar) - but I don't want to bore anyone, though it may, in fact, be too late for that. These were just some that brought a smile to my face, and will hopefully have the same effect on all of you.