A photographic memorial of our day at the Holi Festival.
1 - While walking back to the car, there was a girl leaning out of the window of her car making this face. She turned to look at us, but the face didn't change. She drove on, then the traffic slowed her down and she passed us again - making the same face. We laughed. She turned to look, the face again didn't change, and so we laughed some more.
2 - Another guy driving down the road yelled "Hari Krishna!" out of his window while making the rock on sign. Apparently he'd had a good time. On a side-note it sounded like he said, "Merry Christmas."
3 - While walking to the Hari Krishna temple for the color-fest, a couple of girls jogged past us. One of them said, "Wow! This is exhausting!" And her friend said, "Yeah, but at least we don't like have to pull a handcart or anything." Awkward. These were our reaction faces.
4 - Once again walking back to the car after the shindig was over. A rather macho guy was handing out water bottles. We passed his car and Deedee decided it would be nice to go back and ask for one. Which she did: "Hey! Can I have one? Oooh! I really like you're hat! *giggle*" then he was all "Hu hu, yeah, I wish we could've known each other better. Look me up on facebook!" And she coyly smiled and turned away. This picture is me thanking her for getting her flirt on and securing us a much needed bottle of water.
The festival also included thousands of people, purple spit, a man in nothing but an ever-so-slightly sheer orange head-to-toe jumpsuit and a black jockstrap, meeting up with old friends, walking, talking, loud music with only three lyrics ("krishna", "rama", and "hare" - pronounced ha-ray) a false-alarm colored dust-bowl, and actual colored dust-bowl, spotting friends from across the road, lots of traffic, a trip to CPK, and a short adventure in a photo booth.