Saturday, October 10, 2009

Aspiring Artists

I love seeing children that have supportive, encouraging parents. Whenever I'm at Barnes & Noble and I see parents buying their kids books, or reading with their kids, my heart warms and I know that somehow, the world is going to be ok.

Case in point. I stumbled across this - four kids who have a blog! Their dad helps out. Seriously? Awesome. I most enjoyed this post. The blog is mostly about the kid's artwork - of which they apparently do a lot, and at which are kind of ridiculously talented - and this particular post is an anniversary celebration where they invited people to pick a favorite picture from over the years and do their interpretation. They got feedback from some amazing artists. It was fun to see what people did with the kid's work.

Hooray for involved parents!

And a special shout-out to my own parents. They were always amazingly and selflessly supportive of their children. Thanks for letting us explore and become the people we are!

1 comment:

Kasi French said...

Wow! This is happiness!