Monday, December 27, 2010

Movin' right along.

You might recall that some time ago I posted a list of life goals and aspirations. Well I'm pulling a John Goddard and jumping in (funnily enough, I just reread that post and had forgotten that I mentioned Mr. Goddard there too. Apparently he's somehow, for me, related to reaching goals...which I find mildly hilarious). No slow-bandaid, test the water with a toe, weak-kneed life for me. I've packed my snuggie and bright red galoshes and am wending my way to live the dream out of a fittingly dilapidated Chinatown apartment in Los Angeles. (It was down to that or a mobile home with a transsexual, but I love me some pot stickers...)

With any luck I'll soon have some fun stories from Hollywood. Keep the good vibes coming. :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

Maybe it's because Goddard's website actually says "The World's Greatest Goal Achiever". Go achieve you some goals, boy!

PS I hate this cartoon dude on your blog. HATE HIM!