Saturday, November 28, 2009

People who need people...

Call me crazy, but I LOVE crowds. Love 'em.

I love things like busy amusement parks, midnight movies, Black Friday, and the ward jell-o cook-off. If there are going to be tons of people there, sign me up!

I always hear people say things like "You won't see me out there!" or "That place is a zoo! There's no way I'm going!" or "Grandma's teeth fell out again!" And I don't understand it.

Don't get me wrong, I hate traffic, finding a parking place, and waiting in long lines, but I love the excitement and energy that surround a churning crowd of people - the possibility that something insane is going to happen. I love people watching and the more people there are, the more crazies there are bound to be - especially when the crowd is summoned by some special event like a movie opening, a renaissance faire, or free sample Saturday down to the Costco.

I thrive off that kind of thing. Love it. Deal.


Kasi French said...

Costco, the Friday before Super Bowl Sunday ... its magical and is an official team activity. Ditch the hoodlums and join the HP badged network for an afternoon of games and making friends with the DOZENS {literally} of Sample Sillies.

Ryan & Michelle said...

I am totally there with you. My favorite thing about my trip to New York (oober years ago) was just walking the streets with so many people!!
It's almost life affirming (is that how you spell it?) Anywho, as a people enjoying person, I say an "Amen brother!"

JJ said...

Confession: I sometimes love it too. In small doses, though, usually. Mainly for the energy and the people-watching, as well. And Black Friday sucks. I don't like the "energy" of it. I much prefer festivals and concerts.