One of the other Title 1 aides is marrying the janitor. It's like our own little west-side soap opera. And I get to be a part of it all.

The older kids like to loop the swings around the top bar

a time or two to make them higher and more conducive to swinging enjoyment with longer legs. So I often have the wonderful task of un-looping the swings. Every once in a great while one of the swings will get knotted up and I end up having to climb on top of the swingset to fix it. I feel so adventurous in those moments.
Our school has a panda costume. I was coerced into wearing it. It was hot and had extremely limited visibility. Luckily there was a fire drill so I didn't have to stay in it long. Also with the quick-changing skills I've acquired since being in the theatre I was out of the costume and out of the building before most of the kids, so they're unsure whether I was the bear or not.
In my show tonight my pants totally blew out. I'm talking the entire crotch seam. It was amazingly hilarious! I had to leave the stage. I'm just glad I wasn't wearing a thong.
The school talent show is next week so they had auditions to find the best talent in the school. From the 3rd grade 8 girls auditioned. They all sang with CD's. Not minus tracks, CD's. One song had the F-bomb in it. One song was about adultery, and one was "Jesus Take The Wheel." *sigh*
During 3rd grade power hour my kids were working quietly in their books when out of nowhere one of the boys sings, "Every kiss begins with K..." It was a beautiful moment in my life.
The sixth grade was working on a brian teaser and I thought I'd share it. They're called letter equations. For example: 26 = L in the A. 26 = Letters in the Alphabet. Here are the rest. According to the paper if you get 5 or less you're average, 5-10 you appear to be fairly intelligent, 10-15 you're highly intelligent, m0re than 15 you deserve a better job. I got all but two (insert hair toss). Do your best. Don't use google to find the answers. I'll post the solutions next week sometime. Have fun!
7 = B for SB
76 = T in the BP
3 = BM (SHTR)
12 = S of the Z
29 = D in F in a LY
88 = PK
1001 = AN
9 = J in the SC
18 = H on a GC
50 = W to LYL
24 = H in a D
32 = DF at which WF
99 = B of B on the W
1000 = W that a P is W
90 = D in a RA
9 = P in the SS (I'll give you hint on this one, it's technically 8 now.)
4 = Q in a G
40 = D and N of the GF
54 = C in a D (with J's)
1 = H on a U
60 = S in a M
57 = HV
7 = D of the W