Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You can substitute an egg

Yesterday I was subbing a 6th grade class. Much more manageable than the kindergarten, though they do present their own host of challenges. At one point we were split into small groups. I was sitting in the corner on a giant pillow reading with some kids. It's a favorite game of theirs to try and catch each other not paying attention while reading. In the middle of a paragraph one kid suddenly said "Ray" and Ray, being an astute, though possibly overly energetic young man, picked right up where the other had left off. At the end of the sentence he said defiantly "Howdya like me now?" We all just laughed.

Today I was given the class from hell. This is the third grade class with the zealously religious youngster from a few weeks ago. Spending the whole day with them was quite an adventure. In the end we spent a fair amount of time practicing being quiet.

At the end of the day I was rewarded with - you guessed it - my very own neon orange safety vest! Does life get any better?

I have to say that I love it when I walk down the hall and random children yell "Hey Mr. B!" It's such a great feeling. One kid today even said "What up B?" How cool is that?


richbarn said...


Tara said...

Ah, good times. Sometimes I just really like kids, and sometimes I especially like the bad ones :)

Anonymous said...

"What up B?" I love it! Way to be inducted into their world! :-D

Anonymous said...

it's weird that people call you Mr. B. That's your dad. weird.

Tammy said...

You must be awsome in their eyes!!
Of Course you are in mine!!

Greg D said...

You know Brittany, I thought that too, but really - aside from being "Dad" - my dad is more Dr. B, so I feel more like I'm Mr. B, though talking about myself being Mr. B in the same sentence as talking about my father makes me feel old...

Unknown said...

I've decided that the next time I see you I'm going to say, "What up, B?" Of course, by the next time I see you I'll probably have forgotten this comment ever happened...

Leah said...

My mom used to play "giraffe" with us. That's when you see who can make a noise like a giraffe for the longest.