Monday, January 22, 2007

It's all bigger here.

This week I'm in Texas. Now I haven't actually done anything in Texas yet except wait on the curb at the airport and have a bite to eat at the Denny's, but adventure - along with big hair and accompanying belt buckles - are just beyond the morning's horizon.

Along with this new job I have registered to be a substitute teacher so that in my weeks off I don't turn into a vegetable and wither away into an anti-social husk. This morning I took my first sub job at the Horizonte Training Center. The only reason I write about this as part of my travel adventures is because while there I felt like I was in another part of the country. It was one of those schools for "at-risk" people. A lot of the people there were actually there to get an education - something I think might be missing for our current public education system - so it was slightly refreshing. The coolest part of the day was that instead of a bell, buzzer, or beeper that lets people know when class is over, they used music. They played up-beat music, some even in Spanish. It was a fantastic way to spend the day.
I also finished "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A fantastic and beautiful tale of the inner workings of the human soul, and the nature and character of the human heart. The language was a little elevated, but I recommend it to anyone in the mood for a moving tale and who isn't afraid of verbosity.

So, for the next five days I'll be in Texas - in my very own private hotel room. Woot.

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