Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back in black...or maybe just red shoes

When you work with children you find yourself saying things you normally wouldn't. Prime example:

This morning I was subbing for a bit in a first grade class. We were on the rug learning about the long 'i' sound (fly, fries, pie etc.) and youngster at the back, referring to the children on either side of him, said, "Mr. B, they keep licking me." So I said to the little cherubs, "Do we lick other people?" And immediately started laughing after realizing what I had just said. My first thought after saying it was "Well, you shouldn't be licking people..."

In the second grade today we gave a group hug to another student. He got a bit upset after the subject of his dead pet rabbit was brought up - by himself. I also shook my booty for the whole class. They love me.

I've discovered my own new form of discipline. I call them chill points. Kids are so high-strung sometimes. I constantly have to tell them to chill out. So I've devised a system. Every time I have to tell the class to chill out, they get a point. If they get 10 points, they all have to pull a card (the card system is what regular teachers use. One pull - changing the card from green to yellow - is a warning, two pulls - from yellow to orange etc. - is think time - going to another class for a bit, three is the AC etc. etc. etc.) This seems to scare them into a sufficient state of submission. I like it.

Also, I spoke with the principal today. She said it doesn't look like the teaching job is going to happen. At least that's what it looks like right now. Supposedly we'll know tomorrow. At this point in my professional life I'm used to the anti-climax of the ladder system.

And I just realized that it was one year ago today that I moved up to Salt Lake City. Happy Anniversary to me. :) (honestly when I realized this my first thought was - It's a milestone, I need to blog about it! ...sad)

1 comment:

Tara said...

A milestone! YAY!