Thursday, January 10, 2008


I think enough entertaining stuff happens to me at work to merit a couple of posts a week - at least. So, I guess you'll be getting consistent updates from my world. Lucky you. ;)

My Boss to a 3rd grader: Do you know what actors are famous for?
3rd grader: Getting rich.

Last week one little 3rd grader (you'll notice that a great deal of my stories come from the 3rd grade, that's because I spend a lot of time there...and 3rd graders are crazy.) tried to convince everyone she was pregnant. A concerned classmate said to me, "Mr. B, Ashley keeps telling everyone she's pregnant." I reassured her by saying, "Well, I happen to know that it's physically impossible for Ashley to be pregnant, so don't worry about it, now go play."

A second grader came to class Wednesday looking much more...grown-up, than she had the day before. It's amazing what creative uses kids will find for toilet paper.

I have names to add to my list:

3rd grader: I'm gonna follow you Mr. B.
Me: Why?
3rd grader: ''re cool.

I helped a first grader pull a tooth Wednesday. My Dad would be so proud. We didn't succeed in extracting the dental inhibition because it started to hurt, but we tried. I gave her a kleenex and told her to keep playing with her tooth and it would fall out.

One ambitious young 3rd grader and I had to work on establishing some appropriate boundaries. She likes to call me uncle B and thinks it's fun to climb on me and hug me tightly without letting me go. Normally I'd be ok with this, but we're in school. Plus my boss had a discussion with me earlier that started of like this, "The thing is your young, your cute...and you have a penis." (she uses that phrase quite a lot actually) Meaning I needed to be careful about my interactions with the students. So now I'll give students a quick hug if they hug me and then send them on their way. It's really kind of tricky to remain completely neutral and appropriate when many of the kids heads barely reach my crotch.

Along those lines, The Boss told me today that a sixth grade girl was uncomfortable with a young man who occasionally works at the school as a tutor. Apparently the girl said that he looks at her weird. She said," He just needs to talk to Mr. B, because Mr. B's not like that." So, the 6th grade girls feel comfortable with me. I'm glad they trust me.


Tara said...

You ARE cool. I agree with the child.

Anonymous said...

Okay-- and the fact that you've won over the 6th grade female population speaks WORLDS of your character. Good job. :-D

Angie said...

aw, this post makes me laugh. I refer to it often on the computer and in my head. It makes me smile! It's cheers me up. thanks greg!