Sunday, October 21, 2007

Back to normality...

Ok, now back to the good stuff. Here are some funny things that I've discovered, or that have happened to me, or that just are, from the past little while. I've been wanting to post them, but just haven't, so enjoy:

I watched a movie called "Black Sheep" with Annie, Andrea, and Jessica. Now, this is not the lovable Chris Farley film - oh no. This is a random horror movie from 2006 which was filmed in New Zealand. It's about flesh-eating sheep. Yes, flesh-eating sheep. You can find details here. Funny in parts, rather gruesome, completely laughable, some Wayne County leanings, and definitely not worth the price of rental. At least there was some eye candy, so it wasn't a complete waste. The best part was I had to call 5 Blockbusters before I found the movie in stock. This means that at least 4 other people were watching the movie. I'm sure all of them were thinking the same thing we were - "What the ----?"

I checked my stat-counter for this blog and decided to see what key-words people were using to find my blog; "midnight at the oasis instrumental" was among them.

Speaking of my stat-counter, I've noticed that someone from Bozeman Montana keeps pretty frequent tabs on my blog, but I don't know that I know anyone from least I can't think of anyone that I know in Montana. Who are you?

I went to a breast cancer walk at Liberty Park with a friend last weekend and I loved seeing so many people there to support the cause. One of my favorite things to see were the many different slogans: "Knocker walkers," "The Bestest of the Breastest," "Save Sue's Boobs," "Save the Ta Ta's." One of the my favorites of all time is "Save the Hoo-ha's" which my family and I took upon ourselves to shout frequently, and at the top of our lungs at a University of Utah football game last year. I love making people feel uncomfortable.

The following websites have brought at least a smile to my face - if not more:
Fashion no no's of the elite, and people who mock them relentlessly.
Men who look like old lesbians.
Albi the racist dragon.

I think it's funny when people inadvertently run backwards on the elliptical machine at the gym.

Cool video of someone with too much time, among other things, on their hands:

Double Rubiks Cubes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with this blog posting. And I'm so happy you're a fan of FotC too! I've adored Bret and Jemaine since this summer when Rohan introduced me to their glory, and once he and I even told the Upward Bound kids the story of Albi the Racist Dragon at bedtime. Yay! :-D