Friday, February 22, 2008

Here's your sign

My elementary school employs some of the best teachers in the State, and probably in the country.  I'm grateful to be in the presence of such talented educators. I think, then, it only fits that we are also home to some of the most incompetent aides known to human-kind.  The following conversation occurred between myself and one of these dim-witted would-be demagogues.  For anonymity's sake, we'll call her Mary:

Mary: Have you seen (the boss)
Me: No, she's at the district.
Mary: Where?
Me: The district office, she had a meeting.
Mary: Where?
Me: The district office, you know the offices for the school district?
Mary: Oh, she's in the office?
Me: No, she's at the offices of Granite School District, like...downtown...
Mary: Oh, so she's not in the building?
Me: No...

I wore my plaid pants to school. Not so unusual. A 1st grader asked me why I was wearing pants that look like pajama pants.

Our little racist had the opportunity to sit down with one of our aides and have a chat.  She's an older African-American woman who grew up in Alabama during the civil rights movement.  I think she left quite an impression on him.


Charisse Baxter said...

Blonde? Hard of hearing? From the Ukraine? From ANOTHER PLANET???


Also, the world totally needs more plaid pants.

Anonymous said...

Lucky for us that for every "Mary" there's an "older African-American woman" to put the world right again. :-)