Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Westward Ho!

I went on a fieldtrip.  Let's talk about how much fun that is!  I haven't been on a fieldtrip since elementary school. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, it was just 120 3rd graders creating total and utter chaos for about 3 hours.  But it was sensational, and can I just say that Discovery Gateway totally ROCKS!

Endorphin boosting tip of the day - play tag with a bunch of kids who don't really get the rules.

Situation diffusing strategy of the day - group hug.  I turned a crying, drooling, snotting emotional wreck of a kindergartener into a clean, happy, giggly kindergartener with a simple group hug.  In fact they asked if we could do another group hug, so we did.  Maybe that would solve all the world's problems.  Just have a group hug followed by a pan of brownies.

My marriage-prone 2nd grader (This is the same girl who asked if I was a woman, thought I was turning into a wolf, asked why I was born so handsome etc.  I think I'll give her a nickname since a great deal of my stories come from her.  Let's see...I think I'll call her the abuelita - which means little grandma.  She acts like a grandma, so I like that.) said that I need to get married because she's going to be the godmother of my children.  *sigh*

I was chatting with my third graders today during power hour (this is the hour of the day when they split up the kids in the grade according to their reading levels so they can give more specific instruction etc.) and one mentioned that her sister was pregnant.  I said, "Oh how exciting!" then remembered where I was and asked how old her sister was.  Turns out she's only 16.  I said that wasn't a good thing at all and that one shouldn't have children until one is married.  One girl said, "nuh uh!  My mom isn't married and she has kids!"  She then proceeded to tell me that if you're over 25 and not married, you're gay.  Punctuated with, "So my mom's gay! *giggle giggle*"  Looks like I've only got a year left...


Tara said...

Oh my. I can't wait to see your attitude change toward field trips when you're the one completely in charge. Not all fun and games THEN, let me tell you! Not at all...

Charisse Baxter said...

Once again, yours was a text that made the whole office giggle...

"Gay" meaning "likes men", right? In that case, I'm totally gay, since I'm waaaaay over the age limit!

We all definitely need more group hugs. *squishes you*