Wednesday, July 25, 2007, double meh

After scouring the internet (including frequent and varied searches on eBay), local shops, and large retail conglomerates, though certainly not an exhaustive search, I've come to the conclusion that I may have to resort to my old standby for coolness in accessorizing - make it myself. This has been wildly successful in other attempts i.e. my current scripture case, my crocheted 'cool' armband, my secret society hat (wink wink). I'll look around a little more - the thrift stores haven't been hit up and I've got an entire day at (insert echo-y voice) The Mall of America *echo echo echo* tomorrow, so we'll see what I can dig up. It's too bad the store with the uber cool underwear doesn't also have uber cool wallets...sigh...

This is my current favorite song. I rock out to it about once every 5 minutes. This video is just a random one I found - one more person with too much time on their hands, and why are they so often Asian? Although it makes me want to make a random video of my own seeing how I, too, am a person with too much time on my hands, but I digress - it's the only way I know how to share the song with enjoy:

On my way out of our hotel this evening I almost did a windex window. I just coined that term myself, so let me explain - I didn't see the window and I nearly ran into it, but I noticed that the carpet, rather than continuing like it would on a normal floor, actually had a window frame running across it, therefore I stopped before making a complete idiot of myself.

I went swimming tonight. I do, in fact, suck at swimming. Not only is my knowledge that of a beginning 9-year-old, but it's tainted by 15 years of misuse, neglect, and memory loss. But I got my heart rate up, so I guess it wasn't completely useless. With any luck I'll get better over time. Plus I have friends who are swimmers and I'm sure they'd be more than willing to give me a pointer or two...maybe...


Anonymous said...


After watching/listening to your favorite song I am more convinced than ever that you are seriously disturbed and in need of massive doses of several medications. My job as a father is, needless to say complete. While you're at the MALLLLLLLLLL OFFFFFFF AMERICAAAAAAAAAAA, find a foot locker or some such store and have them properly fit you with a pair of running shoes. That should help fix the knee pain.


Anonymous said...

Why ARE they always Asian? Maybe it's because proportionally there's more Asians than white people (I think), and in most cases they probably have better technology and know how to use it to create said videos. And yes, I know that this comment is chock full of gross overgeneralizations, but stereotypes must get their start somewhere... :-)

Tara said...

If you do make a video like this one day, I suggest "Brimful of Asha." I think you could do it justice...

Janell R. Cropper said...

Man, your video almost made me want to go and call the Disney Channel to request that they play "A Goofy Movie." Man, what one does when bored, at home alone, and pregnant. How was the mall? My husband has been, and says, "It was a mall..." I want more details!