Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Self Assessment

A couple by the last name of Goddard dropped in today. The name Goddard always makes me think of the speaker John Goddard. He's the one who set all of those goals and achieved them - like flying a jet, and hiking Mt. Everest, and learning to play the cello etc. The reason I think of him is because he came to our high school to talk about goals once and not long after my friend Joe and I went to a college recruiting thing at Weber State where Joe won a t-shirt that said "Goddard means business." Their business school was named after a Goddard. The whole affair was quite humorous.

I exercised this morning. It's been a while since I've been in the habit and it shows. I substituted our projector case for weights since our hotel didn't have a gym, and I don't regularly carry a set of weights with me. I thought it was funny. Doing curls with a big pelican case is slightly awkward, but it did the trick. My arms are now sore, and I'm wondering how I'll be able to haul boxes full of organizers around Ontario for the rest of the week.

On an optimistic note - not one person asked about their free gift before the meeting today, and every single person arrived at least 10 minutes early. We had no late-comers. If only every day could be as delightful.

Large Russian men would really scare me, I think, if it weren’t for the fact that they seem like giant teddy bears what with their insecurity with the English language.

I think Canada has a tendency to put me in a melancholy mood. I’ve been rather pensive this week. I’d expound, but I’m really more of a light-hearted fellow, and don’t want to darken the pages of my blog with musings of my disconsolate disposition. I’m sure I’ll be fine after a good workout and some breakfast in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Makeshift exercise routines are the best. I used to use my Norton anthologies from English class. Quite the workout, indeed. :-)