Monday, June 18, 2007

Breaking News

Well my faithful friends, I'm sorry, and not-so-sorry, to report that I have the next 5 weeks off. That's right - I have a job where I don't have to work for 5 weeks in a row. This certainly has its advantages:
Lots of free time to explore the world, make new friends, read, catch up on unfinished projects, make plenty of brownies, go on vacation, and sleep in my own bed for an extended period of time.
It also has its disadvantages:
Time to clean the bathroom, the inevitable boredom that will come because my normal friends are either out of town or have 9-5 jobs, a 5 week stint with no paycheck, and of course 5 weeks without a blog.

Now, I will be traveling during my 5 week vacation, and it's probable that I will sporadically add something to my blog from my travels, but it's not a guarantee. And even if I do write, I won't really be traveling for another 3 weeks, though I will be spending time in Provo, which is like its own country and I may have exciting things to report. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think maybe we just need some space. Some time to figure out where we stand and what we really want...or that I don't want anyone to think I've disappeared. Keep checking and you may be surprised! And just think - when I do come back in a consistent manner I'll be an actual professional speaker, and I'm sure that will bring up its own adventures...

Until next time!


Tara said...

This picture is HI-(wait for it)-LARIOUS! Or maybe it's just me...

Launi said...

you totally look like your dad in this picture...a version of your dad with hair. *weirded out*

thanks for visiting with me in the mystical land of provo, by the way! so good to see you!

Anonymous said...

No. It's hilarious. Way to sign off, buddy. :-)

Erin Brady said...

Hey! I love your blog! I especially like the mullets from around the world. Very nice. You should check out my blog, Gregory. There's a link onto it from Launi and Angie's blogspots.