Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thousands of people

Dear Diary, Taylor is a hero. He saved someone from being locked in a freezer this morning.

We're staying at the Hilton. They made our attendees pay $10 for 2 hours of parking. Outrageous? Yes. Especially since I can park at the airport for $6 a day. Who would have the gall to charge more than the airport? But I guess Paris needs that new pair of shoes...*rolls eyes indignantly*

I think I've decided I don't like my new haircut. It looks fine, I just don't think it' Besides it accentuates the fact that I'm graying and balding.

Whoever invented toilet seat covers for public bathrooms is my personal hero of the day. I would hug him if I could.

There needs to be a beach in Salt Lake. After two weeks of being close to the coast and being able to walk along the beach and just ponder the intricacies and eccentricities of life - I'm beginning to need a beach. I get one next week too.

I seem to be experiencing a dirth of comments. So, this is a call for comments of any kind. Whether you know me or not; whether you have anything minutely relevant to add or not; whether you support Mitt Romney for president or not - leave a comment. I just want to see how many I can get. Especially if you don't know me. I like to get random comments from unexpected strangers. If you know me, or know of me, and need to be anonymous *wink wink* feel free to do so! Even if it's not on this post, as this post seems to be lacking content...


Anonymous said...

hey greg

Dad here. Your blog always makes me smile and yes, I am a loyal reader. I'd rather miss my meds than miss your blog. Enjoy Florida and sell lots of product.

Leah said...

I'd rather your dad NOT miss his meds, thank you very much. If you hug that guy, be sure to put a thin layer of person-shaped paper between you first. You never know...

Tara said...

Today's Taylor news is my favorite so far. What a great way to be a hero! Even better than stopping a runaway drink cart from taking down young children. But maybe that's taking away something from Rob the Hero, and you know I'd NEVER want to do that!

Blueyedane said...

You don't know me that well but I thought I would comment because I have read a couple of your posts. I enjoy it thouroughly!! Your random thoughts on life are so interesting and fun to read. It makes me laugh as I picture the variety of people you meet. Thanks for the good time!

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that the inventor of paper toilet seat covers is more likely female than male. The hers have to worry about things like that more than the hims.

And I like Barack Obama.