Friday, June 15, 2007


Today I was going to tell of my adventures in the form of a photographic essay - just pictures, no words. But some of the pictures just required an explanation. So, rather than try to confine my comments to some pictures, I've decided to just have a regular blog with an abnormal amount of photographic accouterments. I apologize in advance if some of the pictures don't line up with the stories/comments/quips.

It was overcast this morning, so Whitney and I slept in. We decided to wait until Saturday to watch the sunrise since we have to be up early anyway. So rain or shine - we'll be there. Of course if it's overcast again, I suppose we'll just watch the clouds get lighter.

Our ballroom this morning was quite large. It was also set up horizontally. The speaker didn't like this, so we had to flip the room so that it was facing the long way. As we were thus employed, there were some fake trees that needed to be repositioned. They were rather tall, and though they looked weighty, the weren't. I grabbed one of the planters and began to drag it - quite easily mind you - to it's new destination. As I was happily relocating the pseudo-sappling, an over-zealous hotel employee warned - "Be careful, those are heavy!" Notice that he wasn't quick enough to do it before I started dragging the tree, only as I was in the very act - and with apparent ease. He quickly took over, so I didn't put up a fight, but instead moved on to other things.

During lunch a Russian woman showed up late. She got past my registration table before I could catch her, and after firmly saying "Ma'am" as loud as I dare so as not to interrupt the ongoing meeting, I followed her into the ballroom and tapped her on the shoulder. She then screamed. After I fruitlessly talked with her for a moment, I decided that it would do no harm to just let her in to have her free lunch (I could tell she wouldn't be getting anything out of the presentation). She wandered to the front of the room and interrupted what was going on. After the meeting she attempted to steal a small stack of Styrofoam coffee cups from the hotel, but the Tongan Teddy-bear stopped her.

We saw nearly 300 women at dinner. This means that we saw more people in one day today than I saw for the entire week my first time in Canada. Let me reiterate that Winnipeg was awful.

Something I don't like about Florida - nothing dries out here. I went for a run last night before bed, and the pool just looked too inviting to pass up, so I jumped in in my gym shorts. They're still wet. In Utah they'd be dry in an hour - maybe less. I like dry.


Anonymous said...

The story of the crazy Russian lady should be turned into a movie. That was awesome.

And I like how there's a random picture of a ticket at the bottom with absolutely no story currently attached to it. :-)

Angie said...

i like your stories, greg. Picutres are good too. It's nice to see you.