Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kiss of Death

I handed two elderly women their planners this afternoon and they each thanked me by giving me a kiss on the cheek! Delightful. I, for some reason, immediately thought of the Dementors from Harry Potter, but it really wasn't bad at all.

The beach is about 7 minutes from our hotel, so Whitney and I drove down during our lunch break. When we arrived we saw that the beach was closed. The red swim flags were flying, and it started to rain. So much for fun in the sun. As a result, though, we found the Cheesecake Factory. On a side note, and I never say this, but I think this picture makes me look fatter than I really am. Not fat, lest anyone should doubt my own self awareness, just fatter.

I wonder at the size of the female bladder. It constantly amazes me that more women can't sit through and hour and a half without retreating to the restroom. I feel like turning into a parent i.e. "You should have thought about that before we left!" Incidentally Whitney and I cruised around in the minivan tonight after dinner. It was P-I-M-P!

My favorite word - chortle.

I just got off the phone with my friend Tara. While chatting I realized that I know which snacks they rotate in the Delta snack pack. Oreos and shortbread, two different kinds of crackers with cheese, and raisins. Sad.


Tara said...

Woot! I finally got a shout out! And it should be pointed out, that I have had to wait for men to use the restroom much more often than I've waited for women. Its obviously the individual bladder...and you ARE talking senior citizens here--the target audience of the "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now!" commercials. Just sayin'...

Leah said...

I have a good excuse right now, what with creating a human in the apartment directly above the bladder. But I agree - Dylan will pee for up to three minutes in the morning. It's one of the most amazing sounds I've ever heard. I need to get out more.

Launi said...

if that amazes you, you should wonder at the pregnant female bladder! i can hardly wait half an hour between bathroom breaks, feel like i'm going to explode, and then it's barely a little dribble. sorry if that's TMI. :)

by the way, you look too thin to me. eat something, little bird! little twig! :) i demand more cheesecake for you.

Anonymous said...

Chortle. Brilliant. :-)

Janell R. Cropper said...

Yeah, I'm with Launi. I usually am fine...but once a baby starts pouncing upon the bladder...it's a different story!

Tara said...

And I forgot to mention that you look properly miffed in the picture. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.