Sunday, June 17, 2007

One Short Day

I like the public bathrooms in Ft. Lauderdale. In every hotel we’ve been in lately, all of the stalls are like little rooms. They have slatted wood bungalow-type doors. So it’s like doing your thing in a little private bungalow bathroom…only cleaner than an actual bungalow bathroom.

The last day of the workweek is always exciting. We do two events back-to-back and are done by about 3. Of course our flight schedule still doesn’t usually put us home until about 10, but we’re done working and it’s awesome. Plus breakfast is excellent on those days.

I met a girl today named Karyan. She pronounced it like carrion. How cruel is that?

Hauling a fully-loaded bell cart across carpet is roughly akin to dragging Jabba the Hut across sand on a bicycle.

Our flight this evening from Atlanta left AN HOUR LATE! Thus I'm posting this at almost 2 a.m. I guess it's lucky I was in first class. I got a brownie.

Fun with the macbook camera:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carrion and Jabba the Hut in the same blog? I can now die happy. :-)