Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Canada, my Canada - you're a lifetime of wonder for the traveler!

Someone today asked if we were going to have a break in the middle of our presentation for the smokers - honestly, if you can't make it and hour and half without having a cigarette, you've got some re-prioritizing to do.

It's too cold to go outside and do anything. Not that we would anyway, but not having the option makes it that much worse.

Someone told me that Winnipeg has nothing to offer. I must respectfully disagree - we found a Wal-mart.

Sometimes an attractive person appears more attractive because of an accent. This is true of Australians, Italians, the French, the British, and almost anyone from a Latin American country. The opposite seems to be the case in Canada. Unattractive people are made all the more so by their accents - eh.

Our hotel has a dinosaur themed 'water park.' Which is little more than a glorified swimming pool. They have a water-slide and a pterodactyl. There's also a room down the hall with a sign that reads "kids only" I'm really intrigued by it, and I think I'll be venturing inside in the near future - after all I'm a kid at heart.

Just so that everyone is aware - today was 'don't go to work unless it's fun day' - unfortunately, I couldn't celebrate. Last week was much more fun. This week I'm with a few Canadians and two guys who know more about sports than I know about bargain shopping - and that's a lot.

Tomorrow is 'tell a lie day.' We'll see what sorts of mischief and mayhem I can cause with that.


Anonymous said...

I want a glorified dinosaur themed swimming pool! I'm so jealous! And I totally agree with you about the accents making people attractive and not. I'm not a huge proponent of Asian languages-- the men can be handsome, but all those completely foreign sounds keep me away. And good luck with your lie today! :-D

Tara said...

What a great song to start out your blog. What a great song in general! "CANADA! MY CANADA!" It's almost like I'm at Epcot as I read it..