Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Maple Leaf Raggin'

I'm becoming more and more unimpressed with Canadians. Right now I just feel like shouting "Yes! You'll get your damn organizer!"

I just noticed that they sell condoms in the candy machine - coincidence? I think not.

Canadians, at least as far I as I have been able to observe, have little to no sense of humor - especially with regards to sarcasm. I can barely get these people to smile. Most of the time they just look at me with a confused look on their face. I'm not used to this, and it's adding to my frustration.

Tonight a couple of rather attractive young Canadians came to the presentation - this made my day better.

Because of my extreme level of annoyance due to the Winnipeg Canadians, and other personal issues of the moment, I have observed nothing of a humorous nature today, except a curly blonde mullet. Being in Canada I was wondering when the Hockey Hair would appear, and now it has. Tomorrow I'll try to be more lightheartedly observant and uplifting.

On an exciting note - I'll be auditioning to be a speaker for my company on Tuesday. Everyone please remember me in whatever ever sort of prayers you offer, and/or send me your good karma, happy vibes, positive mental energies-whatever. :)


Anonymous said...

I have one of those "damn organizers," and I can understand why they would be so excited to receive one, too. They are rather neat. I think I may have even used it once--yes, I used the calculator in it (it even comes with a calculator!) Love your blog, Greg.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just Winnipeg Canadians, because I've met some atrractive and rather hilarious Edmonton Canadians that would not frustrate you so, I'm sure.

Tara said...

You said a bad word in your blog today. It made me giggle.