Today we presented at the fairgrounds in Chowchilla California. It’s a beautiful stretch of country filled with orchards. The apricot trees are in full bloom and I felt like singing ‘popcorn
Despite the small people, places, and planes of the past two days I’ve been having some big dreams. Most of the people I work with are wildly successful in more than one area of their lives, and it’s engendering an adventurous spirit in me that makes me want to go out and be wildly successful myself.
I’m being impetuous right now. I bought some Crest Whitestrips and I’m trying them out. They’re weird – and gooey. They guarantee satisfaction though, so I hope they work. We’ll see.
This is my fourth week in a row on the road. What this means is that I paid for rent in February and then spent a total of about 4 days in February in my house. That’s some expensive storage. With any luck I’ll be buying a house soon, so it won’t really matter.
“How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a great book.
I swear by Whitestrips. Although they are, in fact, grossly gooey, they work like a charm. And since we're Mormon and don't smoke and drink coffee, I've found that one package whitens my teeth for about a year or more, rather than six months. Yay! :-D
I, too, am fond of teeth whitening. However, I've never used the Whitestrips, before. Yay for white teeth. And being Mormon.
My dentist said they eat away the enamel of your teeth and you shouldn't use more than 1 strip per year! Another good book is "Self-Made in America". Horribly cheesy cover, horribly good inside.
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