Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chocoalte Milk First...If You Please.

I got thonged today - twice. For those of you who are imagining wildly inappropriate, scandalous, and all-too-shocking immoral behavior - stop. To be thonged simply means that someone wearing a thong bent over a little too far and revealed the fact to the entire assembled masses. Devastating.

The breakfast muffins this morning were blueberry raspberry - delish.

Tip of the week - don't be stubborn...unless it's vitally important. The trouble is stubborn people always think it's vitally important. Stubbornness only makes the rest of us have to work harder. It's also are faucets that are too close to the back of the sink, but I digress.

I don't think people should name their children after food.

Instructions on a registration card - "Important! Complete this form and present when you arrive." Percentage of people who follow these important instructions - less than 10.

I just realized that the first three paragraphs of this post all end in 'd' words - delightful!

I really like moist food. Dry food doesn't make any anybody happy. Sauces, in my humble opinion, make the world go 'round. Everything is better when slathered in a sauce - pasta, chips, salad, crackers, potatoes, meat. Now, a correct proportion is necessary for ultimate fulfillment, but I'd rather that one err on the side of generosity.

I want to interject a sentiment of gratitude at this moment to you, my unwavering readers. Your comments have brightened my day on more than one occasion. Especially after dealing with patronizing and unseemly Canadians.

Naps are wonderful!!!

Dilemma of the week - a large percentage of the people we're seeing are either oriental or Arab. I write name tags for these people and normally it wouldn't be a problem, but a lot of their registration cards just have a first initial with a last name, so I have to have them spell their names. This process is accompanied by a thick accent which makes names that much harder to discern. Therefore, I think I'm going to give up on name tags for this week.


Anonymous said...

As much as our comments brighten you day is as much as your posts brighten our day. You're the best. :-)

Leah said...

Now you know why immigration changed so many names all those decades ago. Like Schmarnoploglois into Smith and Barnobettoskkawinsky into Barnett and Higginbotham into...wait a minute....