Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Duct work

It's time for another venting post. I think God is trying my patience right now. Luckily he's allowing me to keep my sense of humor through the whole thing. Case in point:

Carol came to our presentation and hour and ten minutes late. We were literally just finishing up. I pulled her aside and explained the situation and she proceeded to explain to me how her credit report was being affected by charges from 7-8 years ago and how her friend needed to get on the ball for some reason or another. This is all supremely aggravating because she was an hour and ten minutes late, and then thought that the information she was giving me was relevant to something which, obviously, it was not. I did find out in the course of her ramblings that she works at the circus and that made me smile.

I hate, though hate is a strong word so I think I'll say I strongly dislike, the following types of people: Smelly people. Their scent seems to permeate everything and linger for hours. Belligerent people. No one likes them and they do the world no good.

I love the following types of people: Cute old people, like the old woman who attended our lunch session (though she was less cute after I saw her swiping the pens from the tables on her way out.) My favorite old person of the week was from yesterday. Her name was Lucretia, but her nickname was Mazy. She was an airplane mechanic during WWII. I thought that was so cool! I said "Like Rosy the Riveter!" and she said, "Yes, only Mazy the spark plug cleaner." So funny, so adorable.

A highlight of my day was when we were playing some hoppin' music before our evening session and my manager - who is 40 years old - started breakin' it down like he was Shakira. It was awesome. The guy has got some moves. I think it helps that he's Latino.

I was extremely frustrated today. With people, with Kansas, with my job, with the fact that everything closes between the hours of 2 and 5, thus leaving us without a morsel upon which to dine and satiate our appetites...sigh...

Unfortunately I don't really have a way to relieve those frustrations until Saturday, luckily I have a way to relieve those frustrations on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mazy the Spark Plug Cleaner is my favorite person of the day. :-D