Sunday, September 2, 2007


Thursday, August 30, 11:26 a.m. ...ish:

There I stand - alone in the clothing isle of the Dollartree. I was searching for socks. Not just ordinary socks, but socks that would rock on 80's night at the club. The day's plans included fixing my new phone, wandering around the shopping center down the street, and lounging about the house reading. I get a phone call, the following is the conversation exactly as it happened...or at least a paraphrased version of the most important points of exactly what happened.

"Hey Greg, how's it goin'? You're home this week right?"

"Yeah, why? What's up?"

"Well, we've got something kind of different planned for you, this'll be good for you, lots of fun."


"Next week we're going to send you out a speaker for one session on Monday night, so we need to you to brush up on the presentation. You up for it?"

"Well sure, ok!"

Exactly as it happened!

I'd like to refer the reader, at this point, to my post from August 8, labeled (insert dramatic fanfare). Now you might understand my life a little more. I'm just grateful they had the courtesy to call me on Thursday morning instead of Sunday night so I at least had time to prepare.

In my preparations for the adventure of my life I realized that I would need two things that I didn't have - the current Powerpoint presentation (I have it, but it's in XML format, and thus not compatible with Mac), and a clicker. I discovered a program that converted the Powerpoint so it now works with Mac. I also discovered a program that will convert my Apple remote into a clicker. So, it all worked out!

I hope all the effort I've had to exert over the last several days, combined with the mental stress of the entire situation, pays off in one form or another.

My manager didn't show up today, so at this point it's me and the other sales rep. We managed to transfer one of the rental cars into the other guy's name and found a hotel for the night. I hope I get reimbursed for this. If not at least I'll get a king-sized bed all to myself.

As an end to this post I'd like to request the prayers, thoughts, happy vibes, good vibrations, faith, hope, feelings of good-will and every other positive anything that you all can send my way. Tomorrow's gonna be quite the day for me.


Tara said...

You will do MAHVALOUS DAHLING. You rock, and you know it :)

Launi said...

yay greg! those people are about to get spoke like they ain't never heard! (yes, "spoke") :)

richbarn said...

Gregory my son my son. If anybody is up to the task it is you. By the time you read this you'll have spoken and had a brownie I hope. I on the other hand made a peach pie this afternoon and will gladly enjoy a slice on your behalf this evening. Good luck and Woot Woot. You speaking aon any subject at any time in any place is cause for at least 2 woots.